How to increase self -esteem and gain confidence? 11 tips of the psychologist

Undetered self -esteem prevents us from building a healthy relationship and career, provokes neurosis and dependencies. We offer tips that will help reduce stress in relationships and increase confidence.

Council 1. The only way to realize who you are is to find what suits

– Mignon, tu veux te faire une pipe profonde? Plus important encore, ne soyez pas timide, dites-moi simplement – alors je suis immédiatement. C’est tellement bon? Ou peut-être du repos? Attendez, allez, j’ai un pain de mouette chaud. Ici. Comment? Et maintenant? medicament erection en pharmacie que ça veut dire – tu ne veux plus? Ou peut-être que vous vous touchez? Vous, surtout, montrez-moi – comme. Ici, prenez ma main et mène-la, où vous aimez particulièrement. Ne te fais pas mal? Schoeko? Et si oui? Non, je ne me moque pas. Lui-même comme ça!


Tip 2. Discussion of problems in relationships reduces the fear of being abandoned.

Tip 3. Perhaps you are trying to guess what the norm is. It is important for people with low self -esteem to know and understand that the concepts of “normality” do not exist. It is more effective to ask yourself a question: what is really important to you? What is important for your family? The task is not to find out what is normal for you, but to understand what works best for you and your loved ones.

Council 4. The first step in overcoming any bad habit is its awareness. To raise self -esteem and self -confidence, just watch yourself. Instead of doing self -consumption, try to recognize yourself, analyzing how you behave. When a person begins to look at himself honestly and without condemnation, he can separate himself from his behavior, he is able to change, develop and grow.

Tip 5. Feelings cannot be correct or wrong. If we consider our feeling wrong, then wine is added to it, and this worsens the situation even more. The anger you feel is real. If you decide that it is wrong to feel anger and that instead you should show compassion, this will not help you. One feeling cannot be replaced by another.

Council 6. It is impossible to completely overcome the feeling of loneliness, but there are ways to reduce it. First of all, it is necessary to risk open to others. The best way to get what you need is to start doing it yourself. If you want to be loved, first offer your love to others. This is a risk – to be misunderstood, abandoned. But avoiding risk, you doom yourself to loneliness. If you risk, you get the opportunity to change. Not enough to try once. Promise yourself that every day you will gradually leave the comfort zone.

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